Friday, February 8, 2008

Vending Machine

Vending machines
basic information

With one vending machine per an estimated 23 people (according to the Japan Vending Machine Manufacturers Association), Japan has one of the world's highest vending machine densities. Machines can be found all over the cities, smaller towns and even in the countryside. Almost none of them are vandalized or otherwise non-functional.

A majority of machines sell non-alcoholic beverages such as soft drinks, juice, vitamin drinks, tea and coffee for reasonable 110 to 120 Yen. Cold and hot beverages are available.

These vending machines sell 10 kg bags of various kinds of rice.

Vending machines that sell alcoholic beverages and cigarettes are also numerous. Many more varieties of vending machines can be found in smaller numbers. They sell goods such as ice cream, rice, instant cameras, cup noodles and even omikuji, the small fortune telling slips of paper sold at shrines and temples.

Omikuji vending machines at
Kamakura's Hachimangu
Alcoholic (left) and other beverages
and cigarettes are available here

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